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Journal of Nursing Today by Greentree
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Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Based on a work at
Journal of Nursing
Today covers the
practice, research, policy roles of nurses with baccalaureate/graduate,
Master's and Ph.D. degrees. Reports of original work,
research, reviews focusing mainly on professional nursing
are published. It provides an opportunity for dissemination
of original research about health care delivery,
organization, management, workforce, policy and research
methods relevant to nursing, midwifery and other health
related professions. The journal aims to support and publish
evidenced based information in the form of research,
systematic and other scholarly reviews, critical discussion,
and commentary of the highest standard.
The journal is oriented to publish
studies that aim to evaluate and understand complex health
care interventions and health policies and which employ the
most rigorous designs and methods appropriate for the
research question of interest. The journal also seeks to
advance the quality of research by publishing methodological
papers introducing or elaborating on analytic techniques,
measures, and research methods.
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Volume 16 Issue 1, 2023 |
Releasing on 30th May, 2023 |
Volume 16 Issue 2, 2023 |
(Invited) |
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authors with fast publication process!
(Articles are freely available in PDF Format)
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