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Journal of Nursing Today by Greentree
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Journal of Nursing Today
3, Issue 2, 2017
Study to Assess the Level of Psycho-Social Adjustment among Physically
Differentially Abled Children Belonging to Special School at Chitradurga
with a View to Provide Counseling
Satyendra Kumar Tyagi1* and Dr. Tandon2
Pages 1-8
Forensic Nursing: A Review
Vijayreddy Vandali1* and Ravindra H N2
Pages 9-13
Level of
Anxiety among Graduate Males (22-35 years) due to Unemployment in Selected
Areas of Ludhiana, Punjab
Brar Jasleen Kaur*
Pages 14-20
and Practices of Physical Restraints among Nurses
Brar Jasleen Kaur*
Pages 21-28
Assess the Knowledge on Malnutrition and Evaluate the Effectiveness of
Cooking Practices to Prevent Malnutrition among Antenatal Mothers at
Selected Villages of Waghodiya Taluka
Pratik Rajput1, Akash Patel2, Beena Surti3*, Bansari Trivedi4 and Yaiphakonbi5
Pages 29-37
A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Plan Teaching Programme on Care of
Chest Tube Drainage in Terms of Improvement of Knowledge among Staff Nurses
in Selected Hospital of Indore in the Year 2014
Bhupendra Kumar Panchal*
Pages 38-49
A Study
to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Program on Polycystic
Ovarian Syndrome in Terms of Knowledge and Attitude among Adolescent Girls
in Selected Higher Secondary Schools of Ahmedabad City
Khushbu Patel*
Pages 50-61