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Journal of Nursing Today by Greentree
Group is
licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Based on a work at
Journal of Nursing Today
9, Issue 1, 15th
January 2019
Relationship between First Line Nurse Managers Conflict Management
Strategies and Problem Solving Styles
Nagwa Gouda Ahmed Abd-Elmoghith*
Pages 1-16
A Study to Assess the Knowledge Regarding Nomophobia among the Nursing
College Students of Selected Nursing Colleges of Gandhinagar
Hari Mohan Singh1, Vijesh Patel2*,
and B.Sc. 4th Year Students3 (Group-D4)
Pages 17-22
A Quasi Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Video Assisted
Teaching Programme on Side Effects Due to Usage of Earplug among the
Students of Selected Degree Colleges of Gandhinagar
Hari Mohan Singh1, Rinki Debnath2*,
and B.Sc. 4th Year Students3 (Group-D4)
Pages 23-27
of Standardized WHO Clinical Guidelines on Knowledge and Practice Regarding
Prevention of Neonatal Hypothermia among Staff Nurses
Preethy Maria Paul1* and Nandini M2
Pages 28-33
Assessing Knowledge and Practice of Domestic Waste Disposal among Women
Residing in a Selected Rural Community, Thrissur
N.P.Deepthi1*and. Lt Col. Rosy K.O2
Pages 34-41
Effectiveness of Computer Facilitated Teaching Programme on Knowledge of
Staff Nurses Regarding Neurorehabilitation in Selected Hospitals, Thrissur
Joicy K.Xavier1*, Soumya Jacob. P2, Remya T.P3 and Asha
Pages 42-48